Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC) is your one-stop provider for:
- Design and specification of FireDos proportioning and remote operated monitor systems
- Sales of FireDos proportioners and remote operated monitors
- Testing and commissioning of FireDos proportioners and remote operated monitors
- Service and parts for FireDos proportioners and remote operated monitors
FireDos has been manufacturing water driven proportioning systems since 1979 and developed its first mobile and stationary foam proportioning units for fire suppression in 1994 and 1995, respectively.
Over 80 employees work at FireDos’ headquarters in Woelfersheim, Germany, as well as their two production facilities in Germany and Poland. No matter the industry or fire brigade: More than 13,000 FireDos proportioners and hundreds of monitors have installed successfully worldwide.
Setting the Standard
FireDos products are well thought out in every detail and are continuously being optimized. Their specialty developed product concept has set a market standard with FireDos heavily supporting the development of the FM standards on water-powered foam proportioning units.
Quality Ensures Safety
Certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001, FireDos delivers only high quality products to its customers. FireDos proportioners and monitors are made of high-quality materials in optimized processes, and are thoroughly tested – to our benefit with a 100% reliability. International approvals such as Vds and FM exemplify their commitment to quality and reliability.
Optimized for Client Applications
Together with planners, system builders, installers, or fire service providers, HFRC and FireDos develop solutions which are optimally tailored to suit each client’s particular purpose and needs. From planning to installation, commissioning, annual testing, service, and parts, we are at your side as a partner in fire protection.